Links and resources.

Below you will find a small selection of resources which may be helpful to some of our patients and those who advocate for them.

Child sitting in an examination chair.  The child wears glasses frames and their left eye is covered by an opaque lens.

Low Vision Resources

Listen to Andrew Leland's excellent TED talk about his experience of losing his vision due to Retinitis Pigmentosa

Ulster University has some great information to help people understand the information and terms used by eye care professionals

CVI Resources

CVI Scotland is a fantastic resource co-created by people with CVI, parents of children with CVI, and vision professionals

You can find an inventory of strategies for supporting people with CVI on the Ulster University website

Check out Professor Rachel Pilling's blog. These resources would be great to share with teachers and others who need a 'quick guide' format of information on CVI. I particularly like "The tale of the Curious Mechanic" and "Professor P's two page read about how we see".

Resources for people with Intellectual Disability

Coming soon ….

Resources for autistic people / people with autism

Here is a social story about having an eye test with Dr Ursula

Having an eye test: what will happen?